Random Shit about Me
I was tagged by fellow Rice Daddy, Daddy In A Strange Land (DISL) a couple of weeks ago, but haven't gotten around to posting till now. I'm just following the rules, so here goes...
I don't know too many bloggers, so I'm sending this to Feliza, Two Warriors, Carissa, Jennifer, Gil, Janette, Marty, Melissa
Rules: Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they’ve been tagged.
- I was born four days before DISL. You do the math.
- The day after DISL announced he was writing his novel, my friend Sean asked me, "So how's your novel coming along?" I was like, "What novel? Just cuz I quit my job doesn't mean I'm writing a novel. You must have me confused with my RiceDaddy brother out in Bakersfield."
- When I came to this country, I had no money and I couldn't speak a word of English. I was such a baby.
- My grandfather first came to this country as a student in the 1920s. He went to school in Chicago.
- When I was a kid, I seriously thought that the Philippines was in JFK International Airport. I thought my relatives lived at the airport, because that's where we picked them up whenever they visited from the Philippines.
- I am probably one of the few Asian guys who can play the 5-string banjo.
- I have to put a lot of effort into acting "normal" because I'm a really sick fuck. Technically, textbook insane. If you know me, you already knew that, or maybe not...
- When my wife & I were planning our wedding, we decided to have it in the Philippines cuz we thought it would be fun to bring our white friends to a third-world country and have them kidnapped. Their parents were not amused: