Sunday, February 13, 2005

Mango Martinis

Of course, there's no such thing as a mango (or apple, or chocolate) martini. They're just a bunch of fruity drinks in martini glasses... "So how do you like the vodka one compared to the gin? it's a lot smoother, right? Like, it's not as sour?" asked the waitress, Kerry. "well, they seem to like the vodka one better, but I think they're both pretty good. I mean, the gin one tastes like the green mangoes, while the vodka one tastes a lot like ripe mangoes." "So, whaddaya think if maybe we served the gin mango martinis with a little green-colored liquor, while the vodka martinis we served in the usual yellow-gold?"

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

No doubt they're products of their school system

I attended a symposium at the Philippine Consulate Center on 5th Avenue the other day. It was given by Congressman Joey Salceda. One of the things he brought up was the fact that of all students taking a standardized test in English, math and science, only nine percent of students scored above 50%. Well, when it came time for questions and comments, a good chunk of the audience made it known how offended they were by those statistics... The audience had proven that they were products of this same educational system. The place was a zoo: people talking out of turn, making rude, unprofessional comments, making incoherent statements about unrelated topics. What a riot. You can't blame these people for their intellectual flaws. After all, they're just products of a flawed school system. Reminds me of some comments that Dr. Lenora Fulani made regarding parents of NYC's inner-city. Basically, she claimed that they were stupid, not because they were inherently predisposed toward stupidity, but because they were products of the NYC school system themselves.