Thursday, December 15, 2005

Filipino 'People Power'

In a follow-up to my previous rant, here is an editorial that suggests an approach to the mess: Filipino 'People Power'

Saturday, December 03, 2005


I want to be proud Of the person I am. Proud of my culture. Proud of my people. I want to be comfortable In my own skin. But it's a useless endeavor when one tries to be proud of those people Who are slaves to a culture That worships false gods And a standard of beauty That denigrates them. It's a useless endeavor when one tries to be proud of those people Who venerate Hitler, And commit genocide Through the self-mutilation Of bleaching their skin. It looks to me like Hitler won the white-supremacy part of his campaign... in the Philippines of all places. I'm just so totally blown away at this phenomenon of Filipinos who use skin whitening lotions and soaps. Filipinos are BROWN. God made them that way. But now they want to be white? Cracks me up. But then I realize that Filipinos have always been inherently racist against themselves. It's a very big part of their culture. But they don't even know it cuz they're socially "asleep". For example, how many times have you heard the words "ganda", "guapo" and "mestiza" in the same breath? I swear, the Philippines is a nation full of self-denigrating Nazis. Congratulations, Adolf Hitler. You've won the hearts and minds of my people.