Quite often, I have these dreams that seem to be fantastic visions of the future. Who knows, it could be clairvoyance. A couple mornings ago, I awoke from a vision where flat-screen displays were not just displays, but also scanners and media players. I know... the way I just described it doesn't seem so revolutionary, but you have to pay attention to how this appeared to me:
The display was turned on, and while there was already a whole slew of content available, what I had wanted to access was on one of those ancient DVD disks. So I held a DVD up to the display, and the entire contents of the DVD were downloaded into the system. Since this was one of those double-sided DVDs, I had to flip it over to download the rest of it. This happened instantaneously: I'd hold it up to the display for a second, then I flipped it over. When once I had dumped the contents of the DVD into the media system, I was able to view our wedding video. There were also some photographs that I wanted to dump into the system, so I held up all sorts of photographs to the display. All it took was a quick slap or a swipe of the photograph over the display for it to be dumped into the system. After that, I had unlimited access to the media, and I was able to do with it as I wished. Same went for old documents. Theoretically, one could quickly thumb through the pages of a book in front of the display and then have the book read aloud a la audiobook. What made it possible, I think was nano-scanning modules built into every pixel of the display.